Open Tender Archive
ITT/RFQ reference number (must be cited in offer):Â RFQ 12016ST2017
Location:Â Croatia
Title of Open Tender:Â Global-RFQ 12016ST2017 – BPA for e-Voucher System
Category:Â Information Technology
Description: International Medical Corps is inviting participation to this tender aiming to establish Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) with provider of a e-platform for delivery of electronic voucher system to facilitate secure and low cost delivery of monthly electronic food vouchers for our Beneficiaries world wide.
Donor:Â Multiple
ITT/RFQ reference number (must be cited in offer):Â 07-025-AA-2018
Location:Â Ethiopia
Title of Open Tender:Â Invitation to tender – 07-025-AA-2018 – Advertisement for field vehicles rental services
Category:Â Vehicle Rental
Description:Â International Medical Corps is looking for a reliable vendor that can offer Vehicle rental service in Ethiopia for a duration of 1 Year (12 months).
Donor:Â Multiple
ITT/RFQ reference number (must be cited in offer):Â 10004ADD2016
Location:Â Ethiopia
Title of Open Tender:Â Ethiopia-RFQ 10004ADD2016- Vehicle Rental BPA
Category:Â Vehicle Rental
Description:Â International Medical Corps is looking for a reliable vendor that can offer Vehicle rental service in Ethiopia for a duration of 1 Year (12 months)
Donor:Â Multiple
ITT/RFQ reference number (must be cited in offer):Â RFQ 08009AA2017
Location:Â Ethiopia
Title of Open Tender:Â RFQ 08009AA2017 Ethiopia- Vehicle Rental Services
Category:Â Vehicle Rental
Description:Â International Medical Corps is looking for a reliable vendor/s that can offer Vehicle rental services in Ethiopia for a duration of 1 Year (12 months)
Donor:Â Multiple
ITT/RFQ reference number (must be cited in offer):Â EOI 04001ST2018
Location:Â Global
Title of Open Tender:Â Global-EOI 04001ST2018- Invite for Expression of interest for pre-qualification of therapeutic food manufacturers
Category:Â Therapeutic food
Description:Â International Medical Corps is looking for reliable manufacturers of therapeutic food that would be invited to participate in the closed tender (by invite) for multi-year Blanket Purcahse Agreement for procurement of therapeutic food. International Medical Corps is looking to register and pre-qualify potential manufacturers of RUTF, RUSF, F-75 and F-100, in order to expand its existing base of suppliers. If you are qualified and interested to be invited to upcoming tender, we are inviting you to share your interest by providing set of documents as requested in Annex 1
Donor:Â Multiple
ITT/RFQ reference number (must be cited in offer):Â 12001ST2016
Location:Â Global
Title of Tender:Â Global Medical Commodities Blanket Purchase Agreement – 12 months
Category:Â Medical Commodities
Description:Â Public announcement of tender results for Global Medical Commodities Blanket Purchase Agreement – 12 months with possibility to extend for additional 12 months
Start Date:Â 29 June 2017
End Date:Â 29 June 2018
Primary Contractor: IDA Foundation
Slochterweg 35, 1027 AA Amsterdam
P.O. Box. 37098, 1030 AB Amsterdam,
The Netherlands
Secondary Contractor: Imres B.V.
Larserpoortweg 26, 8218 NK Lelystad
P.O. Box 214, 8200 AE Lelystad
The NetherlandsTertiary Contractor: The Medical Export Group (MEG)
Papland 16, 4206 CL
P.O. Box 598, 4200 AN
Gorinchem, The Netherlands
Donor:Â Multiple
ITT/RFQ reference number (must be cited in offer):Â 12014ST2016
Location:Â Global
Title of Open Tender:Â Global-RFQ 12014ST2016- TSDU genset_kitchen sale
Category:Â Sale of excess equipment
Description:Â International Medical Corps is selling three (3) excess products and would like to invite you to participate by making an offer.
1. Generator Diesel, IMC ref #92, SN: 111003955; Trailer Mounted (HI-Power Generator (Euro) 104 KW Painted Blue); total hours clock: 140 (one hundred and forty); Manufacture Date 8/2011. This generator has installed exterior electrical box attached for the oxygen system
2. Generator Diesel, IMC ref #93, SN: 121004594; Trailer Mounted (HI-Power Generator (Euro) 104 KW Painted Blue); total hours clock: 14 (fourteen); Manufacture Date 9/2012. Both generators are trailer-mounted. The trailer is dual-axel with surge brakes and a hitch for pintle hook.
3. Kitchen Trailer, #102, SN: 691129; (LP Gas, no electrical power required); Manufacture Date 3/2013; never used!
Items are sold as is
Donor:Â N/A
ITT/RFQ reference number (must be cited in offer):Â RFQ-11-004-BGH-2019
Location:Â Iraq
Title of Open Tender:Â RFQ-11-004-BGH-2019: Vehicle Rental Services Blanket Purchase Agreement for Baghdad office
Description: International Medical Corps is invites all qualified vendors to provide vehicle rental services to support various projects in the central and south offices in Iraq for Baghdad, Anbar and Salahaddin.
Donor: Multiple
ITT/RFQ reference number (must be cited in offer):Â RFQ-11-004-ERB-2019
Location:Â Iraq
Title of Open Tender: RFQ-11-004-ERB-2019: Vehicle Rental Services Blanket Purchase Agreement for Ninewa Governorate (HAA, Mosul and Jada’a)
Description: International Medical Corps is invites all qualified vendors to provide vehicle rental services to support various projects in Ninewa Governorate / Iraq
Donor: Multiple
ITT/RFQ reference number (must be cited in offer):Â RFQ-10-001-IQ-2019
Location:Â Iraq
Title of Open Tender:Â RFQ-10-001-IQ-2019: Vehicle Rental Services Blanket Purchase Agreement for Country Office
Description: International Medical Corps is invites all qualified vendors to provide vehicle rental services to support various projects in the country office in Iraq/ Erbil.
Donor: Multiple
ITT/RFQ reference number (must be cited in offer):Â RFQ-10-009-DHK-2019
Location:Â Iraq
Title of Open Tender:Â RFQ-10-009-DHK-2019: Vehicle Rental Services Blanket Purchase Agreement for Duhok Office
Description: International Medical Corps is inviting all qualified vendors to provide vehicle rental services to support various projects in the Duhok office in Iraq/ Duhok & North Ninawa.
Donor: Multiple
ITT/RFQ reference number (must be cited in offer):Â NA
Location:Â Iraq
Title of Open Tender:Â Invitation to pre-qualify for medical wholesalers in Iraq
ITT/RFQ reference number (must be cited in offer):Â RFP 01021ERB18
Location:Â Iraq
Title of Open Tender:Â RFP 01021ERB18 Request for Proposals for Various Service Provisions
1. 3rd Party Logistics Services for Warehousing, Commodity Transportation and Customs Clearing & Forwarding,
2. Staff Accommodation Services,
3. Office Space and Associated Services,
4. Visa/Permits Processing and Airport Services.
Description:Â International Medical Corps is a global, humanitarian, non-profit organization dedicated to saving lives and relieving suffering through health care training and relief and development programs.
For various service provisions in Iraq, International Medical Corps is inviting competent, professional and established suppliers/service providers capable of supply of the items/services listed below and as described in the tender documents.
1. 3rd Party Logistics Services for Warehousing, Commodity Transportation and Customs Clearing & Forwarding,
2. Staff Accommodation Services,
3. Office Space and Associated Services,
4. Visa/Permits Processing and Airport Services.
Donor:Â Multiple
ITT/RFQ reference number (must be cited in offer):Â 09001ERB2017
Location:Â Iraq
Title of Open Tender:Â Expression of Interest – Iraq – 09001ERB2017 – Staff care/Visa processing/Logistics services
Category:Â Staff care/Visa processing/Logistics services
Description:Â International Medical Corps, is seeking qualified companies who are licensed to legally conduct specified work in Iraq, to submit their Expression of Interest to offer one, two or all three of the following services;
1. Staff Care
2. Processing of Visa applications and residency permits
3. Customs Clearance, Warehousing & Transport
Donor:Â Multiple
ITT/RFQ reference number (must be cited in offer):Â RFQ 09004ERB2017
Location:Â Iraq
Title of Open Tender:Â RFQ 09004ERB2017 Iraq – Fuel Purchase and Delivery
Blanket Purchase Agreement
Category:Â Various
Description:Â International Medical Corps is looking for a reliable vendor that can offer fuel including delivery across Iraq for an initial duration of six months with a potential six month extension (total one year).
Donor:Â Multiple
ITT/RFQ reference number (must be cited in offer):Â EOI-02002ERB17
Location:Â Iraq
Title of Open Tender:Â Expression of Interest (EOI) for BPA of Security Service and Air Ticketing (Travel Agent)
Category:Â Various
Description:Â Inviting interested bidders for long term supply service through Blanket Purchase Agreements
Donor:Â Multiple
ITT/RFQ reference number (must be cited in offer):Â EOI-02001ERB17
Location:Â Iraq
Title of Open Tender:Â Iraq Expression of Interest (EOI) for BPAs
Category:Â Various
Description:Â Inviting interested bidders for long term supply service through Blanket Purchase Agreements
Donor:Â Multiple
ITT/RFQ reference number (must be cited in offer):Â RFQ 10000691
Location:Â Jordan
Title of Open Tender:Â Jordan-RFQ #10000691 Vehicle Rental BPA
Category:Â Vehicle Rental
Description:Â International Medical Corps is looking for a reliable vendor that can offer Vehicle rental service in Jordan for a duration of 2 Years + 1(24 months)
Donor:Â Multiple
ITT/RFQ reference number (must be cited in offer):Â 10-027-AMM/2017
Location:Â Jordan
Title of Open Tender:Â Jordan-RFQ 10-027-AMM/2017 Transportation service for Azraq Camp staff
Category:Â Transportation service for Azraq Camp staff
Description:Â International Medical Corps is looking for a reliable vendor that can offer transportation service in Jordan for a duration of 1 Year (12 months)
Donor:Â Multiple
ITT/RFQ reference number (must be cited in offer):Â RFQ 08-004-AMM/2017
Location:Â Jordan
Title of Open Tender:Â Jordan-RFQ 08-004-AMM/2017 Vehicle Rental BPA
Category:Â Vehicle Rental
Description:Â International Medical Corps is looking for a reliable vendor that can offer Vehicle rental service in Jordan for a duration of 1 Year (12 months)
Donor:Â Multiple
ITT/RFQ reference number (must be cited in offer):Â 08039BEY2016
Location:Â Lebanon
Title of Open Tender:Â Lebanon-RFQ 08039BEY2016- Vehicle Rental
Category:Â Vehicle Rental
Description:Â International Medical Corps is looking for a reliable vendor that can offer Vehicle rental service in Lebanon for a duration of 1 Year (12 months)
Donor:Â Multiple
ITT/RFQ reference number (must be cited in offer):Â RFQ06008BOR2019
Location:Â Nigeria
Title of Open Tender:Â Nigeria-RFQ06008BOR2019- Vehicle Rental
Category:Â Vehicle Rental
Description: International Medical Corps is looking for a reliable vendor that can offer Vehicle rental service in Nigeria for a duration of 1 Year (12 months)-BPA
Donor:Â Multiple
Closing date:Â 15 November 2017
ITT/RFQ reference number (must be cited in offer):Â RFQ 09-003-BOR-2017
Location:Â Nigeria
Title of Open Tender: Invitation to send Best And Final Offer (BAFO) – Administrative Annex 2 Nigeria-RFQ 09-003-BOR-2017 BPA for food using voucher modality
Category:Â Vehicle Rental
Description: International Medical Corps is inviting vendors who participated in tender to send Best And Final Offer (BAFO) for Administrative part (Annex 2) only.
Donor:Â Multiple
Closing date:Â 27 September 2016
ITT/RFQ reference number (must be cited in offer):Â RFQ 09-003-BOR-2017
Location:Â Nigeria
Title of Open Tender:Â Nigeria-RFQ 09-003-BOR-2017 BPA for food using voucher modality
Category:Â Food
Description:Â International Medical Corps is looking for a reliable vendor that can offer Food items in Maiduguri, Nigeria using voucher modality for a duration of half a year (6 months)
Donor:Â Multiple
ITT/RFQ reference number (must be cited in offer):Â EOI 02001PK2020
Location:Â Pakistan
Title of Open Tender:Â Invite for Expression of Interest (EOI 02001PK2020) for registration and prequalification of suppliers of medical commodities and LLIN in Pakistan
Category:Â Medical commodities and LLINs
Description: n order to expand its existing list of suppliers International Medical Corps is looking for Pakistan based, licensed and reliable wholesalers/distributors of medical commodities (pharmaceuticals, medical consumables, medical equipment, laboratory supplies and equipment) and WHO prequalified LLINs (Long Lasting Insecticidal Net) that would be interested to participate in International Medical Corps’ registration and prequalification process.
Donor:Â Multiple
South Sudan
ITT/RFQ reference number (must be cited in offer):Â 11001JUB2018
Location:Â South Sudan
Title of Open Tender:Â 11001JUB2018 – SUPPLY OF DIGNITY KITS
Description:Â International Medical Corps is looking for a potential, reputable and reliable vendor that can Supply and deliver Dignity Kits by December 20th, 2018 to IMC, Juba Office South Sudan
Donor:Â DFID
Closing date:Â 26 February 2018
ITT/RFQ reference number (must be cited in offer):Â 02046JUB2018
Location:Â South Sudan
Title of Open Tender:Â Vehicle Rental Blanket Agreement, Juba, South Sudan – RFQ 02046JUB2018
Category:Â Vehicle Rental
Description:Â International Medical Corps is looking for a reliable vendor that can offer Vehicle rental service in South Sudan for a duration of 1 Year (12 months)
Donor:Â Multiple
ITT/RFQ reference number (must be cited in offer):Â RFQ 07001KHT2019
Location:Â Sudan
Title of Open Tender:Â Sudan-RFQ 07001KHT2019
Category:Â Vehicle
Description: For ( Integrated emergency health, nutrition and wash services for conflict affected population in Darfur, Southern Kordofan state and BluNile State ) project in Sudan International Medical Corps is inviting competent, professional and established suppliers/service providers capable of supply of the vehicles described in the tender documents.
Donor:Â Multiple
ITT/RFQ reference number (must be cited in offer):Â RFTP01001DAM2020
Location:Â Syria
Category:Â NFI
Description: International Medical Corps is looking for a reliable vendor to submit a technical offers with samples in order to sign Frame Work Agreement to supplyNFI for IMC Syria upon request and this agreement wil be balid for (2+1) years
Donor:Â Various
ITT/RFQ reference number (must be cited in offer):Â RFQ12002DAM2018
Location:Â Syria
Title of Open Tender:Â RFQ12002DAM2018, BPA for Hotel Services
Category:Â Hotel Services
Description: International Medical Corps is looking for a reliable vendor to sign a BPA (Blanket Purchase Agreement) for the provision of hotel services for two years with the possibility of extension for a third year.
Donor:Â UNHCR 3530, Donor1 3500, GAC 3302, UNOCHA 3671
ITT/RFQ reference number (must be cited in offer):Â 10027GZT2016
Location:Â Turkey
Title of Open Tender:Â Turkey-RFQ 10027GZT2016 – Vehicle Rental
Category:Â Vehicle Rental
Description:Â International Medical Corps is looking for a reliable vendor that can offer Vehicle rental service in Turkey for a duration of 1 Year (12 months)
Donor:Â Multiple
Closing date:Â 01 November 2016 (CANCELED)
ITT/RFQ reference number (must be cited in offer):Â 09016GZT2016
Location:Â Turkey
Title of Open Tender:Â Turkey-RFQ 09016GZT2016 – Vehicle Rental
Category:Â Vehicle Rental
Description:Â International Medical Corps is looking for a reliable vendor that can offer Vehicle rental service in Turkey for a duration of 1 Year (12 months)
Donor:Â Multiple
USA, Headquarters
ITT/RFQ reference number (must be cited in offer):Â RFQ10006331
Location:Â United States
Title of Open Tender:Â RFQ10006331: Consolidation & Shipping Svcs
Category: Kitting Project
Description:Â International Medical Corps is invites all qualified vendors to provide consolidation and shipping services (3PL) to support various projects in the United States.
Donor:Â OVH
ITT/RFQ reference number (must be cited in offer):Â RFP10002668
Location:Â United States
Title of Open Tender:Â RFQ10002668: Emergency Field Hospital Medical Shelter
Category: ERU- Domestic Response
Description:Â Interntional Medical Corps is inviting qualified vendors to submit a bid for an emergency field hospital medical shelter and accessories. Vendors are encouraged to download the tender package below and respond within the deadlines outlined in the cover memo.
Donor:Â N. Carolina
Closing date:Â 23 January 2019
ITT/RFQ reference number (must be cited in offer):Â RFQ10001331
Location:Â United States, Los Angeles Headquarters
Title of Open Tender:Â US, RFQ # 10001331 Photocopier
Category: IT supplies
Description:Â International Medical Corps is looking for vendors who can provide Professional Copiers and manage print service for both LA and DC offices as per the sepecs attached.
Donor:Â Multiple
Closing date:Â 09 January 2019
ITT/RFQ reference number (must be cited in offer):Â RFQ 10001557
Location:Â United States, Los Angeles Headquarters
Title of Open Tender:Â US, RFQ # 10001557 Hygiene Kits events
Category: NFI, Hygiene Kitting items
Description:Â International Medical Corps is looking for a supplier of kitting items for our kitting events inside USA for a duration two years with a three years extension maximum.
Donor:Â NA
Closing date:Â 28 November 2018
ITT/RFQ reference number (must be cited in offer):Â 10001544
Location:Â United States, Los Angeles Headquarters
Title of Open Tender:Â RFQ 10001544 – Treasury Management System
Category: Finance
Description:Â International Medical Corps is inviting qualified vendors to implement a global treasury management solution.
Donor:Â NA
Closing date:Â 16 October 2018
ITT/RFQ reference number (must be cited in offer):Â 10000488
Location:Â United States, Los Angeles Headquarters
Title of Open Tender:Â RFP 10000488_ Service Agreement for Third Party Logistic Services (3PL)
Category: Third Party Logistic Services
Description:Â International Medical Corps is looking for a reliable vendor that can offer Logistic Services in United States for a duration of 2 Years (24 months)
Donor:Â Multiple
Closing date:Â 10 October 2018
ITT/RFQ reference number (must be cited in offer):Â RFQ10001149
Location:Â United States, Los Angeles Headquarters
Title of Open Tender:Â Request for Quotation Emergency Preparedness Curriculum and Delivery
Category: Services
Description:Â IInternational Medical Corps is requesting for your organization to develop and deliver the following training modules detailed in Attachment- 1 in Puerto Rico, United States Virgin Islands and Florida.
Donor:Â Multiple
Closing date:Â 11 June 2018
ITT/RFQ reference number (must be cited in offer):Â RFQ-PR10000497
Location:Â USA
Title of Open Tender:Â RFQ-PR10000497- Blanket Purchase Agreement: Laptops & Accessories
Category:Â Information Technology
Description:Â International Medical Corps invites interested suppliers to bid for Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) to supply laptops and accessories per the attached schedule.
Donor:Â N/A
Closing date:Â 31 May 2018
ITT/RFQ reference number (must be cited in offer):Â RFQ-PR10000495
Location:Â USA
Title of Open Tender:Â RFQ-PR10000495- Blanket Purchase Agreement: Generators & Spare Parts
Category:Â Emergency Response
Description:Â International Medical Corps invites interested suppliers to bid for Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) to supply generators and spare parts per the attached schedule.
Donor:Â N/A
Closing date:Â 10 April 2018
ITT/RFQ reference number (must be cited in offer):Â RFP 03-019LA2018
Location:Â USA
Title of Open Tender:Â US, RFQ 03019LA2018 Emergency Response Deployment Management System
Category:Â Human Resources
Description:Â The Goal of this project is to enhance IMC’s readiness and capability by having a roster management system to quickly and efficiently deploy trained personnel in emergencies.
Donor:Â N/A
Closing date:Â 01 August 2017
ITT/RFQ reference number (must be cited in offer):Â RFP 07-019LA2017
Location:Â USA
Title of Open Tender:Â US, RFQ #07-019LA2017 Hygiene Kitting events
Category:Â NFI, Hygiene Kit items
Description:Â International Medical Corps is looking for a supplier of Hygiene Kit items for our kitting events inside USA for a duration of two years with a one year extension maximum.
Donor:Â Multi Grants
Closing date:Â 14 February 2017
ITT/RFQ reference number (must be cited in offer):Â 01-018LA2017
Location:Â USA
Title of Open Tender:Â US, RFP#01-018LA2017 International Travel Service
Category:Â Travel Services
Description:Â International Medical Corps is seeking a full service TMC for Air International & domestic,US Rail in the North East corridor and UK rail, Conference/Group bookings,Car rentals and Visa Support.
Donor:Â Multi Grants
Closing date:Â 21 November 2016
ITT/RFQ reference number (must be cited in offer):Â 09037LA2016
Location:Â USA
Title of Open Tender:Â US, RFP#09037LA2016, Direct Marketing Firm
Category:Â Fundraising service
Description:Â Resource Development is searching for Direct Marketing Firm to support fundraising activities
Donor:Â IND
ITT/RFQ reference number (must be cited in offer):Â 06028SAN2019
Location: Yemen
Title of Open Tender:Â Yemen-RFQ 06028SAN2019- Car Service Agreement
Category: Vehicle Rental
Description:Â International Medical Corps is looking for a reliable vendor that can offer Car Service ( Vehicle rental service) in Yemen for a duration of 1 Year (12 months)
Donor:Â Multiple
Closing date:Â 06 April 2019
ITT/RFQ reference number (must be cited in offer):Â RFQ 01041ADE2019
Location: Yemeen
Title of Open Tender:Â YEMEN – RFQ 01041ADE2019 – Supply Food Basket
Category: Food Basket
Description:Â International Medical Corps is looking for a reliable vendors to enter into Blanket Purcahse Agreement (BPA) for Food Voucher Transfer in Lahj Governorate, Yemen.
Donor:Â Multiple
Closing date:Â 10 April 2017
ITT/RFQ reference number (must be cited in offer):Â RFQ 03/174E/SAN/2017
Location:Â Yemen
Title of Open Tender:Â Yemen-RFQ 03/174E/SAN/2017- Vehicle Rental
Category:Â Vehicle Rental
Description:Â International Medical Corps is looking for a reliable vendor that can offer Vehicle rental service in Yemen for a duration of 1 Year (12 months)
Donor:Â Multiple
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